
Criminal Law

27 October 2022 | André Soulier

Secrecy does not mean concealment

In today’s time when some politicians are tempted to “use the coffin of a 12-year-old girl as a stepping stone” to promote their ideas and a deadly hatred, when others buy the domain name corresponding to the first name of the little victim of a heinous murder, when investigations for breach of the secrecy of pre-trial investigations are launched following the interview of a police officer giving details on this horrible news item, it appears essential to recall the importance – beyond the respect normally due to the victim – of a core value of our rule of law: The secrecy of pre-trial investigations and inquiries.

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11 August 2022 | Victor Trouttet

For a legal entity to be held criminally liable, it is necessary to identify said entity’s body or representative who has committed the offense

In a decision issued on June 21, 2022, the Criminal Chamber of the Cour de Cassation (French Supreme Court) recalled its case law according to which it is necessary, in order to seek the liability of a legal entity, to explicitly identify the body or the representative having committed the offence on behalf of said legal entity.

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15 April 2022 | Victor Trouttet

The mere fact that a victim has committed a faute simple (i.e. mere negligence) reduces his right to compensation

In a decision handed down on March 16, 2022, the Cour de Cassation (French Supreme court) has made an important clarification to its case law regarding the reduction of the victim’s right to compensation.

Indeed, it is now established that even the victim’s faute simple (mere negligence) can lead to a reduction of his right to compensation.

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30 March 2022 | Jean-Luc Soulier

Fighting foreign bribery: The OECD Working Group’s Phase 4 report on France distributes good and bad marks

The OECD Working Group on the Implementation of the OECD Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions adopted the France Phase 4 report on December 9, 2021.

This is an opportunity to recall the origin of this Convention before briefly presenting the good and bad marks distributed by the monitoring team in charge of assessing France’s progress in the fight against foreign bribery and underlining its key role in the defense of the values of the civilized world.

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22 February 2022 | Victor Trouttet

Third-party owner of a property liable to confiscation: Without informing, you shall not seize

As early as 2016, the then Minister of Justice, Christiane Taubira, stressed the importance of criminal seizures in the legal arsenal.

The current interest in this process can be explained by the fact that it allows for a patrimonial penalty that deprives the perpetrator of the proceeds of his/her offense and, consequentially, of a title considered to be more fraudulent than legitimate.

However, the confiscation sometimes does not only affect the perpetrator of the offense but also a third-party owner of the seized property who has not committed any offenses.

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