Published on 1 November 2012 by Thomas Caveng

Competition Law in ASEAN: A South-East Asian Perspective


Title of the contribution: Competition Law in ASEAN: A South-East Asian Perspective

Jurisdiction:  Singapore and ASEAN Member States

Authors: Gerald Singham and Soumya Hariharan

Law firm: Rodyk & Davidson LLP

Subject:  The introduction of a nation-wide competition policy and law by 2015 is a prerequisite for the Members States of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) in fulfillment of the 2007 ASEAN Economic Blueprint, to incubate a culture of fair business competition for enhanced regional economic performance. This contribution aims to give a broad overview of the competition law landscape in the ASEAN region.

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Thomas Caveng

Legal Translator / Marketing Director

All publications by Thomas Caveng