
Due Diligences and Audits of Employment Practices

Soulier Avocats assists companies of all sizes operating in a wide range of industries in connection with:

Compliance audits:

We define the scope of the audit and the terms and conditions thereof, make a detailed assessment of the existing situation and draw up a report that will serve as a useful working tool for the company and its corporate officers. Designed as a pragmatic guide, this report summarizes and quantifies the labor- and employment-related risks, and provides practical solutions or recommendations that help the company minimize its exposure.

 Due Diligence and Vendor Due Diligence:

Labor- and employment-related risks are so important in merger, acquisition, sale and divestiture transactions that the completion of a labor and employment due diligence process has now become indispensable, whatever the size of the relevant company(ies). In this context, every single identified risk is carefully assessed and quantified by our Labor & Employment Department in order to secure the terms and conditions of the representations and warranties and, as the case may be, adjust the purchase/sale price. Such a DD process also provides the unique opportunity to anticipate on the future organization of the relevant company(ies), to manage at an earlier stage all issues related to the change of control and to the integration of the business/assets into an existing group, to collect the information necessary for harmonizing the various applicable and potentially conflicting collective agreements, to foresee any difficulty concerning the status of top executives and corporate officers, etc.