WLG | impact ’23: Local steps to global impact

The World Law Group (WLG), a network of 61 leading independent law firms with more than 430 offices in major commercial centers worldwide, to which our Firm belongs, has launched its annual network-wide ESG initiative, WLG | impact ’23.
In this context, all WLG member firms are invited to implement an ESG initiative.
This year, we have decided to work with the soccer division of the multi-sports club Rhodia-Vaise.
As such, Soulier Avocats will host a clean-up session of the part of Rhodia-Vaise’s site dedicated to soccer activities. Team members will go there and spend half a day removing, collecting, and sorting all kinds of trash and waste that can be typically found in these types of places.
The objective is inter alia to raise environmental and waste management awareness among the club members, especially the young ones.